Wednesday, March 31, 2010

the high school life

This is my life. I live it and I love it. I'm not a southern belle and I'm not Miss Perfect. I like what I like and you don't have to. But this is me in all of my odd glory. If you want to talk just send a comment and i'll be a friend for life.
bangs and contacts :)

the good ole days of glasse

Monday, February 8, 2010


It's been awhile since i've added REAL photography so i thought i'd add some that i took with my nikon film camera. enjoy and comment!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

so i figured out the title of my book! it's called Cirque. And to give you an example of some photos ive been working on, here are some more Ly Lock pictures. the before and after!!


i'd love to hear opinions!
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Thursday, January 7, 2010

So along with photography I also write. Currently I am working on writing my first book. Its in its first stages of development, but I have been working on some photos to help me in picturing my characters. So here are some pictures I've worked on for my book(:
So Ella, my main character has purple eyes so you'll see that a lot.
Ly, one of the supporting characters has bright green eyes and contrary to this picture is actually really hyper.
what's better? the black and white or color?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

So I'm thinking about making this my new title...should i?
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Monday, December 14, 2009

so I'm trying to organize all my pictures into collections to put on here, but it is way harder than you'd think. lol i need more ideas of photo themes. anyone have any ideas?

Monday, December 7, 2009

I drive to go, but i walk to see

This collection is actually from different points in time, i though they fit well together so...i put them together and here's is what happens...
can you tell the difference?

if i take a picture, will you?